Carling TB Series Hydraulic Magnetic Circuit Breakers
Carling TB Series Hydraulic Magnetic Circuit Breakers
Data Sheets & Stock Check »What is a Carling TB series hydraulic magnetic circuit breaker? The TB-Series is a space-saving, tandem pole circuit breaker specifically designed to fit a two pole breaker into one rack unit making it ideal for Datacom and Power Distribution Unit applications. The TB-Series is designed with a common trip linkage ensuring if one pole trips, the tandem pole simultaneously trips. It also features a trip-free mechanism, a safety feature making it impossible to manually hold the contacts closed during overcurrent or fault conditions. The TB-Series also offers an optional handle guard to prevent inadvertent actuation and an optional auxiliary switch. The typical 1 pole handle type frame size in inches is 4.490 x 0.825 x 2.415 (L x W x H). The TB Series circuit breakers have current ratings from 0.10 to 20 amps and the maximum voltage rating is 120/240VAC. Carling TB series circuit breakers have Interrupting ratings that range from 5,000 to 10,000 amps depending on the agency approval. Time delay options include Instant, Ultra-Short, Short, Medium, Long, Hi Inrush Short, Hi Inrush Medium or Hi Inrush Long. The TB series circuit breakers are available in a Series Trip (current) circuit type. The TB breakers have two poles and are offered in a horizontal or vertical mounting style. The Carling TB Series hydraulic magnetic circuit breaker is available with UL 489 Listed, TUV Certified and IEC/EN 60947-2 approvals
TB-Series Video Carling Configurator 
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