Carling MS Series Hydraulic Magnetic Circuit Breakers
Carling MS Series Hydraulic Magnetic Circuit Breakers
Data Sheets & Stock Check »What is a Carling MS Series hydraulic magnetic circuit breaker? The Carling MS Series hydraulic magnetic circuit breakers have a compact, rugged design for operation in harsh environments. The Carling MS circuit breakers are well suited for commercial off the shelf (COTS) military applications and work well in applications where shock, vibration, moisture resistance, salt spray and thermal shock are considerations. The Carling MS Series circuit breaker has a 1 pole Sealed Toggle actuator that features a durable metal sealed mounting bushing with MIL-PRF-39019F ingress protection when mounted in a panel. The Carling MS Series circuit breakers have current ratings from 0.2 to 30 amps and voltage ratings up to 50VDC. The maximum interrupting rating is 3,000 amps. Time delay options include instant, short and medium. The Carling MS Series circuit breakers have a Series Trip type circuit. The MS Series is Front Panel mounted with a choice of 0.250 inch Quick Connect Tabs, 8-32 Screw Terminals or Solder Lug Terminals. The Carling MS Series hydraulic magnetic circuit breakers are designed in accordance with the requirements of MIL-PRF-55629 and MIL-STD 202 and are available with UL Recognized Standard 1077 and CUL Standard 22.2 agency approvals
MS-Series Video Carling Configurator 
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