Carling J Series Hydraulic Magnetic Circuit Breakers
Carling J Series Hydraulic Magnetic Circuit Breakers
Data Sheets & Stock Check »What is a Carling J Series hydraulic magnetic circuit breaker? The Carling J Series hydraulic magnetic circuit breakers are designed to provide high levels of circuit protection, the J-Series is a compact, low profile hydraulic magnetic circuit breaker ideally suited for high power density applications. The typical 1 pole flush rocker type frame size in inches is 1.640 x 0.755 x 2.250 (L x W x H). The Carling J Series circuit breakers have current ratings from 1 to 20 amps and voltage ratings up to 240VAC. The maximum interrupting rating is 10,000 amps. Time Delay options include Ultra Short, Short, Medium, Long, Hi Inrush Short, Hi Inrush Medium and Hi Inrush Long. The Carling J Series circuit breaker is offered in 1 to 3 poles with flat or curved actuators. They are offered with a Series Trip (current) circuit type. The Carling J Series circuit breakers are Front Panel mounted with a choice of two bus type screw terminals (6-32 or M3). The Carling J Series hydraulic magnetic circuit breakers are offered with UL 489 Listed, cULus Listed and TUV EN60947-2 certified agency approvals
J-Series Video Carling Configurator 
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