Carling CX Series Hydraulic Magnetic Circuit Breakers
Carling CX Series Hydraulic Magnetic Circuit Breakers
Data Sheets & Stock Check »What is a Carling series CX hydraulic magnetic circuit breaker? Carling Technologies' CX-Series circuit breaker features an innovative configuration that allows the breaker to safely handle high amperage and high DC voltage applications in a compact package. This circuit breaker is ideally suited for 380VDC applications, power distribution units and photovoltaic energy systems. By using a magnetic flux boosting terminal configuration, a strong magnetic field is created thus motivating the arc into an enhanced arc chamber. Permanent magnets combined with the upper and lower arc runner increase the magnetic blow out force and aid in motivating the arc off of the contacts and into the arc chamber. The arc chamber features arc splitter retainers with integrated pressurizing walls, which facilitates heat transfer from the arc providing additional cooling and quick transition into the magnetically induced splitter plates. In turn, the twelve (12) splitter plates attract, segment and cool the arc for full extinction. The typical 1 pole handle type frame size in inches is 2.259 x 0.755 x 3.094 (L x W x H). The CX Series circuit breakers have current ratings from 0.20 to 125 amps and voltage ratings up to 600VDC. Carling CX series circuit breakers have a maximum interrupting rating of 10,000 amps. Time delay options include Instant, Ultra-Short, Short, Medium and Long. The Carling CX series circuit breakers have available circuit types including Series Trip (Current), Relay Trip (Voltage) and Switch Only. The CX Series handle and mid-trip handle actuators are available in 1 to 5 poles. The Carling CX series hydraulic magnetic circuit breaker is available with UL Recognized, UL Recognized Standard 1077, UL 508 Recognized, UL 489A Listed (Telecom), UL 489 Listed, UL 1500 (Marine Ignition and Fuel System Protection), CSA Accepted, TUV Certified and VDE Certified approvals.
CX-Series Video Carling Configurator 
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