Standard SCRs
Standard SCRs
Data Sheets & Stock Check »What are standard SCRs? A Standard SCR or silicon controlled rectifier is a solid state, uni-directional, half-wave silicon switch. SCRs are Silicon Controlled Rectifiers. The Standard SCR is used in circuits where high surge currents or latching action is necessary. It is also used for half wave type circuits where gate-controlled rectification action is needed. Gate triggering currents of 10 mA, 15 mA, 30 mA, 35 mA, 40 mA, 50 mA and 200 mA are offered. Standard SCRs are capable of controlling AC load currents from 1 to 70 amps and are rated to withstand operating voltages of 400 to 1,000 volts. Surface mount standard SCRs are available in DO214 3L (Compak), TO 252 and TO 263 packages. Thru-hole Standard SCRs are available in TO 92, TO 218, TO 218 Iso, TO218X, TO 218X Iso, TO 220 Iso, TO 220 Non-Iso and TO 251 packages. Typical standard SCR applications include crowbar circuits in power supplies, camera flash units, smoke alarms, motor controls, battery chargers and engine ignition. Additional applications include AC solid state switches, industrial power tools, exercise equipment, electric water heaters and white good appliances.
Littelfuse manufactures standard silicon controlled rectifiers.