Carling B Series Hydraulic Magnetic Circuit Breakers
Carling B Series Hydraulic Magnetic Circuit Breakers
Data Sheets & Stock Check »What is a Carling B series hydraulic magnetic circuit breaker? The Carling B series hydraulic magnetic circuit breaker is designed for OEM markets and general purpose applications. The Carling B series circuit breakers are designed for applications requiring extra insulation and tongue and groove half-shell construction. The typical 1 pole handle type frame size in inches is 1.730 x 0.755 x 2.00 (L x W x H). The B Series circuit breakers have current ratings from 0.02 to 50 amps and voltage ratings up to 80VDC and 125/250VAC (277VAC with a backup fuse). Carling B series circuit breakers have Interrupting ratings that range from 3,000 to 7,500 amps. Time delay options include Instant, Ultra-Short, Short, Medium, Long, Hi Inrush Short, Hi Inrush Medium or Hi Inrush Long. Available circuit types include Series, Shunt, Relay, Switch Only and Shunt Trip Dual Coil. The B Series handle and mid-trip handle actuators are available in 1 to 6 poles. The Visi-Rocker, two color actuators offer visual indication of the ON or TRIPPED/OFF mode. Single color rocker actuators are also available, Rocker actuators have 1 to 3 poles. The Rockerguard bezel and push-to-reset actuators are designed to prevent inadvertent actuation. The Carling B Series circuit breakers are Front Panel or Front Panel Snap-In mounted with a choice of 0.25 inch quick connect tabs, screw terminals (8-32,10-32, M4 or M5), or Push-in-Stud terminals. The Carling B Series hydraulic magnetic circuit breaker is available with UL Recognized, UL Recognized Standard 1077, UL 508 Recognized, UL 489A Listed (Telecom), UL 489 Listed, UL 1500 (Marine Ignition and Fuel System Protection), CSA Accepted, TUV Certified and VDE Certified approvals.
Carling Configurator 
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