Electronic Fuse

What is an electronic fuse? Electronic fuses are current sensitive devices designed to serve as an intentional weak link in an electronic circuit. They are typically rated at 300 volts or below and are designed to protect circuits in the limited space requirements of electronic equipment such as consumer electronics, computers, instrumentation, power supplies and telecommunication equipment. Electronic fuses are classified as either subminiature or miniature type fuses. The subminiature fuse category includes the Pico Fuse, the Micro Fuse, the 2.3 x 8mm cartridge fuse, the 3.6x10mm cartridge fuse and the surface mount fuse. A surface mount fuse is a subminiature fuse that is soldered directly on to a printed circuit board. Surface mount fuses use only one side of the printed circuit board, offering a space saving advantage versus their leaded, through hole mount fuse counterparts. Surface mount fuses come in industry standard 0402, 0603, 1206 package sizes as well as some larger non-standard sizes. Miniature electronic fuses refer to the typical cartridge-style fuse types such as the 1AG through 8AG size including the 3AG fuse and the 3AB fuse, the 5x20mm fuse and the 2AG fuse also known as a 5x15mm fuse.
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Surface Mount Fuse - 0402
Surface Mount Fuse - 0603
Surface Mount Fuse -1206
Surface Mount Fuse - Misc.
Pico Fuse
Micro Fuse
2.3 x 8mm Fuse
3.6 x10mm Fuse
2AG Fuse | 5 x 15mm Fuse
5 x 20mm Fuse
3AG Fuse
3AB Fuse
1AG Fuse
8AG Fuse