Carling E Series Hydraulic Magnetic Circuit Breakers
Carling E Series Hydraulic Magnetic Circuit Breakers
Data Sheets & Stock Check »What is a Carling E Series hydraulic magnetic circuit breaker? The Carling E Series hydraulic magnetic circuit breakers are best suited for higher current and voltage applications than the A, B and C or D series. The typical 1 pole handle type frame size in inches is 2.610 x 1.026 x 4.750 (L x W x H). The Carling E Series circuit breakers have current ratings from 0.02 to 125 amps and voltage ratings of up to 125VDC and 250VAC (600VAC with 4 poles connected in series). Interrupting ratings range from 1,500 to 10,000 amps. Time delay options include Instant, Short, Medium, Long, Hi Inrush Short, Hi Inrush Medium or Hi Inrush Long. Available circuit types include Series Trip, Shunt, Relay and Switch Only. The handle actuators are offered in 1 to 6 poles. The Carling E Series circuit breakers are Rear or Front Panel mounted with a choice of screw terminals (10-32 or 1/4-20), stud terminals(10-32 or 1/4-20), heavy duty box wire connectors for solid wire or a pressure plate connector for standard wire. The Carling E Series hydraulic magnetic circuit breakers are UL Listed and CSA Certified for the protection of branch circuits which do not require a fuse back up. They are also UL Recognized and CSA Certified as a supplementary protector and as a manual motor controller. Additional agency approvals include UL Recognized Standard 1077, UL 489 Listed, UL 1500 (Marine Ignition and Fuel System Protection), UL Recognized 508, VDE and TUV Certified.
Carling Configurator 
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