1200 Volt Semiconductor Fuses
1200 Volt Semiconductor Fuses
Data Sheets & Stock Check »What is a 1,200 Volt Semiconductor Fuse? Semiconductor Fuses are also known as High Speed Fuses or Rectifier Fuses. The 1,200 volt semiconductor fuse is a current limiting, very fast-acting fuse rated at 1,200 volts AC and 1,000 volts DC. Ampere ratings range from 1/2 to 30 amps. The interrupting rating is 100,000 amps AC and DC. The High Speed fuses are UL Recognized.
Mersen, Littelfuse and Bussmann offer a 1,200 volt semiconductor fuse. Mersen uses the Amp-TrapĀ® Form 101 brand name. Littelfuse uses the POWR-GARDĀ® trade name.
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