Medium Voltage Fuses

What is a Medium Voltage Fuse? Medium Voltage Fuses are current limiting power fuses having voltage ratings from 0.6kV to 34.38kV. Medium Voltage Fuse ratings include continuous current ratings ranging from 0.5 to 1,200 amps. The main Medium Voltage Fuse types include the E Rated Fuse, the R Rated Fuse and the Potential Transformer or PT rated fuse. E-rated medium voltage fuses are general purpose fuses that are primarily used to protect transformers and provide both current overload and short circuit protection. R-Rated fuses are back-up fuses primarily used to protect motors and motor controllers. R-Rated fuses only provide short circuit protection. PT medium voltage fuses are designed to protect potential transformers. Medium Voltage fuses are designed in accordance with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Back-up fuses designed in accordance with IEC Standards are also available.
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E-Rated Fuse
R-Rated Fuse
PT Fuse