80 Type Fuses and 81 Type Fuses
80 Type Fuses and 81 Type Fuses
Data Sheets & Stock Check »What are 80 Type fuses and 81 Type fuses? The 80 Type fuses is a fast acting, cylindrical fuse designed for the telecommunications industry. It is designed to operate where a high ambient temperature and low circuit voltages are of primary concern. Voltage ratings are 125 volts AC and 160 volts DC. Ampere ratings range from 0.500 to 5 amps. The 80 Type fuse is visually indicating with remote electrical alarm capability. The 81 Type fuse is a higher current rating, non-indicating version of the Type 80 fuse. The 81 Type fuses are rated at 250 volts AC and 65 volts DC. Ampere ratings range from 7.5 to 12 amps. Both the 80 Type fuses and the 81 Type fuses are UL Recognized.
Bussmann offers 80 Type fuses and 81 Type fuses.