E-T-A Overcurent Thermal Circuit Breakers
E-T-A Overcurent Thermal Circuit Breakers
Data Sheets & Stock Check »Overcurrent thermal circuit breakers have a wide variety of applications including motors, transformers, solenoids, printed circuit boards, hand-held, office and household machines, appliances, instrumentation, and marine applications. Overcurrent thermal circuit breakers have ampere ratings that range from 0.05 to 38 amps. The voltage ratings range from 28 to 72 volts DC and 250 volts AC. These types of thermal breakers are offered in push-to-reset, manual, auto reset and push-push versions. There are panel mount, rail mount, integral mount, and PCB mount versions. Terminal types include blade, screw, solder, and PCB types. Overcurrent thermal circuit breakers are available with Ul 1077, CSA, VDE, TUV, CQC, and BWB certifications.